location intelligence – consult

integrate real-world insights and immersive location experiences into your business

our offering

custom labs with our Google Maps, here maps & location intelligence experts to equip your team with the latest in the location intelligence space.

get access to location intelligence experts, analysts and engineers to strategize, transform and modernize the way you use mapping solutions


maturity assessment workshops

  • location quotient advisory and assessment – how well are you using location intelligence in your business today
  • upgrade & optimize currently used use cases to realize improved ROI
  • identify new use cases where a location led strategy could be useful

location intelligence consulting

  • choose the right location intelligence solutions for your business or custom develop one
  • custom advisory to help you choose the right APIs for the right use cases
  • pricing strategy consultations

custom design workshops

  • market segment analysis considering location based strategies
  • design guidance to craft user experiences that drive engagement
  • best practices on choices around tech stack, databases, cloud native solution architectures

engagement approach

Our custom workshops and/or one time pro-serv engagements allow us to meet you where you are. Typical process involves:

discovery workshops

Schedule discovery sessions to analyse your existing applications, workflows and assess the scope for location based strategy.

design workshops

Plan and build an optimum product development strategy with our engineering experts.


Demonstrated success in building and
managing applications using the best of
Google Maps Platform and Google Cloud in
both web and mobile environments.


let’s connect

We help you embrace change by creating newer
ways to work or optimising existing processes.

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